Who We Are
The Founders
Eric is a serial entrepreneur who has started companies in the learning and technology sectors. After completing a career in the private sector, he turned his focus to the non-profit arena where he co-founded organizations focused on developing the capacity of people working in international development (www.lingos.org). Now his attention is solely directed at Now and Tomorrow and Now and Tomorrow Uganda.
Kathy worked in the real estate industry and as a non-profit volunteer in adult literacy. She raised two children while supporting Eric’s entrepreneurial activities. She is an accomplished painter currently working in soft pastels but with works in oil, acrylic, and watercolor gracing the walls of her fans and her passion for art was the entry-point for the Berg’s supporting refugees in Nakivale, Uganda through funding the creation of Nyandja refugee art center.
Organization Vision
We work for a day when all refugee children will actively be engaged in education programs that prepare them for a purposeful and fulfilling life and a day when refugee-founded, refugee-run organizations can deliver the services currently being provided by international NGOs.
Organization Mission
To support refugees and refugee organizations in Nakivale through Now and Tomorrow Uganda and to support a select few US-based organizations aligned with the values and goals of our organization.